These Princesses Are Brave


Hello, I am Pocahontas

Pocahontas is a member of the Powhatan Indian tribe that makes their home in Virginia. She is the 18-year old daughter of Chief Powhatan. It is stated that Pocahontas' mother had died, and that Pocahontas had inherited her strong will and free spirit. She is the only member of her tribe that is not xenophobic towards the white settlers, instead forming a relationship with John Smith. By the time of the second film, she is respected enough that she is sent as an ambassador to England on behalf of her people. She is displayed as a noble, free-spirited and highly spiritual young woman. She expresses wisdom beyond her years and offers kindness and guidance to those around her. She loves adventure and nature. Pocahontas is a very beautiful young woman with copper skin, long raven-black hair and twinkling, dark brown eyes.

Biographical Information
Originalfilm : Pocahontas
Prince : John Smith
Physical Description
Age : 18
Race : Native American
Haircolor : Black
Eyecolor : Brown
Relatives : Chief Powhatan (father), John Rolfe (husband)
Allies : Meeko, Flit, Percival, John Smith, John Rolfe, Grandmother Willow, Nakoma
Enemies : Governor Ratcliffe

Hello, I am Mulan

Mulan, aberrated and unlike most previous female roles, is courageous and more self-reliant. She also does not fit in with the expectations of a young Chinese girl of the time; despite her natural beauty, she is clumsy, outspoken, and independent rather than graceful, obedient, silent and demure. Which is why her meeting with the matchmaker ended in chaos, that and help from a certain lucky cricket, and why the matchmaker claimed that even though she has the looks of a bride, it will never work because all she will do is dishonor her parents and her future husband. However, her courage, intelligence, and determination, helped her through her adventures of defeating the Hun Army. She is also kind and warm-hearted despite her clumsiness. Mulan has military training ranging from use of swords to kung fu fighting style thanks to Shang in his training of new army recruits. Mulan also demonstrated accuracy during her training with the use of her archery skills. Mulan was trained how to sword fight by her father in Rise of the Warrior.

Biographical Information
Originalfilm : Mulan
Prince : Li Shang
Physical Description
Age : 16
Race : Chinese
Haircolor : Black
Eyecolor : Brown
Relatives : Fa Zhou (father), Fa Li (mother), Grandmother Fa (grandmother), Li Shang (husband)
Allies : Mushu, Cri-kee, Khan, Ting-Ting, Su, Mei
Enemies : Shan Yu

Hello, I am Merida

Princess Merida is the headstrong and free-spirited 16-year old tomboyish, willful daughter of Queen Elinor who rules the kingdom alongside her husband, King Fergus. Queen Elinor's expectations of her daughter cause Merida to see Elinor as being distant while also causing friction between the two. Despite Elinor's desire to see Merida as a proper royal lady, Merida is an impetuous girl who wants to take control of her own destiny. Merida has honed her skill in archery, and is one of the most skilled archers ever seen. She is also skilled in sword-fighting and racing across the countryside on her horse, Angus. Despite her outgoing, forceful, headstrong and willful personality, Merida does have a playful softness of heart; particularly when it comes to her younger triplet brothers.

Biographical Information
Originalfilm : Brave
Physical Description
Age : 16
Race : Caucasian
Haircolor : Red
Eyecolor : Blue
Relatives : Queen Elinor, King Fergus, Harris, Hubert, Hamish, Angus
Enemies : Mor'du